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PT Sink – Forced Convection Aluminum Extrusion Heat Sink

Advanced Cooling for High Heat Sink Load: This heat sink family offers higher performance cooling solutions through forced convection, which is especially necessary when high heat sink flow is involved.

Complex Structures and Minimum Gap: Pure aluminum fins are placed on the base plate with complex structures and fins that cannot be achieved with extrusion technology. This ensures a minimum gap between the fins and the base plate.

High Heat Sink and Electrical Conductivity: Using the Controlled Atmosphere Brazing process, metal joints are created between the base and fins, providing excellent heat sink and electrical conductivity and mechanical resistance.

Advantages: The advantages of this method include design flexibility (extrusion limits are overcome), savings in material and processing costs (no unnecessary fins are mechanically removed, no new placement), and the creation of subassemblies such as heat exchangers (brazing fins from both sides).

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